Now Playing: take the poll!
Please take the poll about the Outing!
Just a few weeks left to make a push to get in the top 3 for the Second Half. Eight teams are within 14 points of 3rd place.
Notes from the week:
- Brian put up the first eagle of the year on #7. Nice!
- Sawyer is flat out owning the second half and has moved into the A-flight for next week.
- Brandon is now officially on the results page and competing in skins and pin-shots.
- Jason T had his best round of the year, firing a 38. Brian and I both tied our best rounds with 35 a piece.
- Virgil and Ron want more cash in the Outing! Please vote. Remember greens fees are $35 and include breakfast and lunch. We have some cash left over from the league, but not a ton.