Now Playing: First half wrap-up
The First Half is in the books. Congratulations to Jason and Mike on winning the first half by a landslide! The first trophy goes to the low net of the 2nd place team. His "trophy" is in the picture to the right. Good work, Bob. The first place "trophy" can be viewed by clicking this link (WORK WARNING):
Some notes from the week:
- Already a lock for 1st place, Jason and Mike added insult to injury firing a team net 71 as they steamrolled Andy and me.
- Bob and Dan took advantage of this by beating Chris and Joe 25-17 and leapfrogging from 4th to 2nd. They went from 7th to 2nd in 2 weeks! Bob shot his ass off, shooting his best round of the year at the best possible time! Clutch.
- 3 of the league rookies finished in the top 2. Nice hazing vets. Fail.
- Andy and golf are on a break.
- Chris won a skin worth mentioning. Heard it second hand, but he apparently made a brilliant save while almost in water on #2 and then sunk a long putt for par... To the rest of the A's that failed to par #2. Fail. #2 is a dirty whore.
- Another beer cart girl sighting.
- Schedule change - I switched 2 weeks around because we had 1 team playing the back 5 straight weeks and one playing the front 4 straight weeks. Now no one is playing one side for more than 3 straight weeks (barring rain-outs or a Round Robin).
- Questions about matchups and who you play twice.... Everyone plays every team at least once. There are 11 possible teams you can play. Two weeks are round robins. With 19 weeks of play, that leaves 6 teams you will play twice (not including the round robins). Those 6 teams are random and are the first 6 you played.
Next week will bring 3 things:
- The first week of the 2nd half
- Outing news
- Most likely Sept 20 mid-morning.
- I'm leaving messages with Dave at Mayfair every day till he calls back. Good thing about there is it's $27 for 18/cart and includes food.
- Most other places (Raintree, Turkeyfoot, Ellsworth, Brookledge, etc, etc are $35 or more and don't include food).
- Oak Knolls was the 2nd cheapest at $32 riding, $25 walking.
- Personalized statistic print-outs for everyone. This will include estimated USGA handicap, best/worst holes, consistency measures, and more. Yes you're right - my geekiness knows no bounds...
See you guys Wednesday.
Posted by netbirdie
at 11:13 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 17 July 2009 12:02 PM EDT
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Updated: Friday, 17 July 2009 12:02 PM EDT
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